GF Berriedale Farms

Herd Information

1 Herd Bull
12 Brood Cows
12 Calves
12 Yearlings
12 Two-year Old Steers and Heifers
6 Market-bound Steers and Heifers

Natural Breeding

Animals for sale or Harvested Beef Available

None in 2014

Harvested Package Size

25-pound “Urban Wranglers”
100-pound “Quarter Steers”
Direct sales to individuals, couples and families only.


Berriedale Farms raises grass-fed and finished Red Poll cattle on native grasses, legumes and fobs. Top-of-the-line Australian grass-fed genetics will be represented in 50% of our foundation herd by 2015. The best available genetics from New Zealand or the United Kingdom will be introduced through a new herd sire in the same year.